Your brain can make you successful

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Your brain can make you successful

by Jack Cox

Yes you really can train your brain for success and in this article I will be showing you some very powerful ways of doing that, but first just a few words of introduction. I know there are basically two groups of people reading this. Some of you believe that we are physical beings living in a physical universe and that what we can see with our eyes or measure with our instruments is all there is. You believe that we pass this way only once and that's that. The other group believes we are spiritual beings having a physical experience for one reason or another, maybe to learn, maybe to play, maybe a bit of both. Joe Vitale likens life to the Shore Leave episode in the original Star Trek series where they landed on a planet that read their minds and reflected their thoughts back to them as reality for the purpose of recreation.

If you agree with the first group then your brain is your onboard computer that coordinates your bodily functions and takes you where you want to go in life provided you learn how to use it correctly.

If you agree with the second group then your brain is just like a games interface, a Wii or Playstation module. It allows you to function, to play and to learn in this illusory space-time continuum we call the world. According to this theory your brain is like an onboard computer that coordinates your bodily functions and takes you where you want to go in life if you learn how to use it correctly.

So you get the point I am making. For the purpose of this artice it really doesn't matter which model of reality you agree with. This material will work for you either way. Whether your brain is the real you or just a games interface, it is the main thing you have control over while alive.  This is good because it is also the main thing which controls everything else including your quality of life.

As Bill Harris taught me many years ago, whatever you want there is a way of thinking and acting that will get it for you. Your job is to figure out what it is and to be flexible enough to adopt it. You will gather from this statement that this course is going to be about changing the way you think and act. Lesson one gave you a six stage process for acting. This lesson is more about thinking.

In later lesson we go into beliefs. You have probably heard that if you want to achieve anything you must believe that you can do it. I teach that if we can go beyond belief, if we can expect something to happen, it will happen even faster. But why stop there? Everything happens NOW. Yesterday and tomorrow are just ideas of the mind but the only time that really exists is NOW. So even expecting something to happen tomorrow will slow us down. We need to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is already a reality NOW

So you visualise strongly, with all your heart, that you already have your big house, your boat, your ideal partner or whatever it happens to be. Then what happens? You open your eyes and see how your life really is. Bummer!

Here is a little trick I have used and found to really work. When you open your eyes and look around, think to yourself that you are on holiday or on a business trip. Maybe you are backpacking or canoeing down the amazon. Maybe you are staying in a friend's house. Whatever works for you. You know that your big house, your boat and your loving family are waiting for you at home. It's easy. Last time you went away you didn't doubt that your house was still standing did you? Of course you didn't. So why doubt it now? You know your dreams have already come true and when you get back everything is waiting for you.

If you can master this you can throw the rest of this course away. For those of you who aren't quite there yet, let's take a look at the concept of mind, our intangible thoughts. The big question is which leads and which follows? Is mind the product of an active brain or does brain activity follow the thoughts we hold in the mind?  Some times is seems to be working in one direction, and at other times the opposite seems to be true. Most probably there is a third possibility we haven't even thought of yet. Again, for the purpose of this course it really does not matter. What matters is that, as we think certain thoughts, different areas of the brain activate in different patterns and that the brain will actually 're-wire' itself in accordance with our dominant habitual thoughts. Which way around it happens really doesn't matter. Please note that I am NOT saying that it  're-wires' itself in RESPONSE because the cause and effect sequence is still open to debate. What we know is that the  're-wiring' and the changed habitual thought patters BOTH HAPPEN. But again, for the purpose of this course it doesn't matter.  What matters is that we CAN control the way we think and that will control everything else.

Each and every one of us is equipped with a computer more powerful than the one fitted to a state of the art fighter plane, yet most of us never bother to learn anything about it. So is it any wonder when people crash and burn like a failed fighter pilot?

The brain performs an incredible number of tasks. It controls body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. It accepts a flood of information about the world around us from our various senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching). It handles physical motion when walking, talking, standing or sitting, and it is part of our thinking, dreaming and reasoning experience.

So let's take a very brief peak at how all this actually happens in the brain, the biology of the brain.

Our brains, spinal cords and peripheral nerves go to make up a remarkably complex, integrated information-processing and control system. The scientific study of the brain and nervous system is called neuroscience or neurobiology. The brain is made up of nerve cells, called neurons. Neurons have the amazing ability to gather and transmit electrochemical signals which act something like the chips in a computer. Neurons share the same characteristics and have the same parts as other cells, but the electrochemical aspect lets them transmit signals up to a few metres and pass messages to each other. In fact the brain is a mass of about 100 billion neurons, each one with 1,000 to 10,000 synapses to transmit signals. It is a remarkably efficient and, fortunately, moldable organ that can actually rewire itself if given the proper stimulus.

Each Neuron has three basic parts:

The Cell body - This main part has all of the necessary components of the cell, such as the nucleus (contains DNA), endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes (for building proteins) and mitochondria (for making energy). If the cell body dies, the neuron dies.

Axon - The long, cable-like projection which carries the electrochemical signals, nerve impulses, along the length of the cell.

Dendrites or nerve endings - These small, branch-like projections of the cell make connections to other cells and allow the neuron to communicate with other cells or perceive the environment. Dendrites can be located on one or both ends of the cell. A synapse is the part of the dendrite that actually passes the electrical or chemical signal to another cell.

There are four basic types of neurons:

Sensory neurons carry signals from the outer parts of your body (periphery) into the central nervous system.

Motor neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to the outer parts (muscles, skin, glands) of the body.

Receptor neurons sense the environment (chemicals, light, sound, touch) and encode this information into electrochemical messages that are transmitted by sensory neurons.

Interneurons connect various neurons within the brain and spinal cord.

Neurons come in many sizes. For example, a single sensory neuron from the fingertip has an axon that extends the entire length of the arm, while neurons within the brain may extend only a few millimetres. In this lesson we are particularly interested in the neurons in the brain and how they are 'wired' together to produce either success or failure in our lives. Think of them as being 'soft-wired' rather than 'hard wired' because the circuitry can be changed. This is the important bit. This is why we are briefly looking at the science of neurons.

Of course when I say 'wired together' and 'circuitry' I am talking about the pattern in which the neurons fire and are connected together, in other words their 'neural pathway', there aren't really any wires. The synapses ARE the wires. All the neural pathways in the brain go to form a neural net. The brain is 'soft-wired' with connections, made by neurons that connect the sensory inputs and motor outputs with centres in the various lobes of the cortex. There are also connections between these cortical centres and other parts of the brain.

"Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge about the world. Memory is the retention or storage of that knowledge. . . .alterations in the brain (are) produced by learning" (Kupfermann, 1991).

Young children learn to associate sensory symbols with things in the environment and as a result the corresponding pathways in their brains are reinforced. This is called cognition'. When we do this with something we have already cognised in the past, we re-cognise or recognise it.

These neural pathways begin to form in the womb. As we began to cognise more and more things, the electrochemical messages between certain synapses become routine. With use, the correlation between a particular sound, sight, smell, touch or taste and the actual thing heard, seen, smelt, touched or tasted becomes a well worn pathway. The more often a pathway is used, the more sensitive the pathway becomes and the more developed that pathway becomes in the individual brain.

As these pathways develop, the collective group of well used pathways become a map of how we believe, think, reason, and remember as an individual. In this way our old and familiar ways of thinking are supported by our neural pathways and thinking in new and unfamiliar ways is difficult for us. Thoughts which we think often form neural pathways which we call beliefs. That is all a belief is. Remember this as we will be coming back to it in a later lesson. A belief is just a thought we have thought, consistently over a long enough period of time that a specific neural pathway has formed to support it. Synapses that habitually fire together, wire together.

Neurons which are not stimulated in these pathways tend to wither away and become unusable. These neurons either die or change in ways which render them ineffective. If pathways are never developed, they never become capable of handling significant levels of traffic. If neurons are not used, they can be lost. Long term non-use of connections between neurons can result in the loss of the pathway between them.

The good news is that increased sensitivity from increased demand on the brain can increase the number of pathways between neurons in order to handle that increased communication. A primary purpose of education is to stimulate more pathways in the brain so that more neurons are used and pathways are able to handle additional traffic. We all continue to make new neurons and new pathways throughout life in response to mental activity.

So forcing ourselves to think in more resourceful ways causes new neural pathways to form which support such patterns of thought, making them easier for us. Each time an item is stored and cross referenced in the brain, a new pathway to that item is sensitised. Many people associate a memory when listening to a particular song or piece of music.

Each time that music is heard, the memory is relived. The same can be said of smells. A particular smell might stimulate a specific memory each time that smell is recognised. When I was in my 30's I visited a working steam railway, The Bluebell Line, in Kent. The train pulled into the station, the driver pulled a lever, those of us on the platform we enveloped in damp, warm steam.  Suddenly I was six years old, waiting with my parents on Portsmouth Harbour Station for a trip up to London, full of excitement and anticipation. A wonderful memory I had not thought of in three decades.

Neuro-plasticity - The study of neuroplasticity confirms one of the most important things about human beings, the fact that our brains can actually be modified by our consciousness. Our biological tissues will follow our thoughts and desires. If we think unresourseful thoughts we will develop and grow unresourseful connections in our brains. Conversely, if we force ourselves to think only resourceful thoughts we will develop and grow resourceful connections in our brains that will make us more successful.

The important thing for us here is that the more often we think a resourceful thought, the easier it will be to think that thought next time, on and on, easier and easier until that thought becomes a habit, until it becomes subconscious.

You may have heard that thoughts become things, that we create our own reality by our thoughts. This is true. However our most powerful and creative thoughts are subconscious. The good news is that we can make any thought we choose subconscious and automattic by repetition and its neuro-plasticity that makes this possible.

Neuro-engineering is a relatively new field that involves the use of engineering techniques to alter the brain. If you are able to change the pattern of your brain's synapses, you can alter your very mind, and this is what neuroengineers attempt to do, often using artificial devices. One such technique is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).  This is a non-invasive method  which uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. This way, brain activity can be triggered with minimal discomfort, and the circuitry and connectivity of brain cells can be studied and manipulated.

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation ( rTMS) can produce longer lasting changes. Studies have shown it could soon become a feasible treatment method for various neurological conditions. It is already in use for the treatment of depression in Canada and Israel. TMS may one day be used not only for health purposes but to provoke changes in mood, and for improving creativity and concentration. One day people could even have access to brain stimulation machines right in their own homes to give their mood or confidence a quick boost. What a boon that would be.

Of course there are less technical ways to improve brain functioning and experience improvements in memory, cognition and mood, without any risk of negative side effects. Here are seven tips for maintaining a healthy brain:

1) Keep on learning. People often compare the brain to a computer, but there is an important difference. While a computer's hardware does not change, the size and structure of neurons and the connections between them actually change as we learn. This can take on many forms above and beyond book learning to include activities like travelling, learning to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language, or participating in social and community activities.

2) Brain Exercise. As with learning, challenging your brain with mind-training exercises can keep your brain fit as you grow older. This can be something as simple as searching for famous people whose first names begin with the letter A, doing crossword puzzles or playing board games that get you thinking.

3) Physical Exercise may encourage the brain to work at optimum capacity by causing nerve cells to multiply, strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage.

4) Eat healthily. Like the rest of the body, the brain depends on healthy foods to function. While protein is the main source of fuel for the brain, vitamins and minerals from fresh vegetables are also important, as is limiting sugar and salt intake. Take omega-3 fats. The omega -3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) keep the dopamine levels in the brain high, increase neuronal growth in the frontal cortex and increase cerebral circulation. Krill oil is an excellent source of omega-3, and may even be superior to fish oil. Avoid foods that contain artificial sweeteners and additives. Substances such as aspartame (NutraSweet), artificial colours and MSG, which are common in processed foods, can damage the brain. For instance, consuming a lot of aspartame (very common in soft drinks) may inhibit the ability of enzymes in the brain to function normally, and high doses of the sweetener may lead to neuro-degeneration.

5) Sleep well. It's during sleep that your mental energy is restored, and a lack of sleep may cause your brain to stop producing new cells.

6) Get out into the sun. This will help you maintain optimal vitamin D levels. Scientists are now beginning to realise that vitamin D is involved in maintaining brain health, as they've recently discovered vitamin D receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and central nervous system. There's even evidence indicating vitamin D improves the brain's detoxification process. For children and pregnant women, getting enough vitamin D is especially crucial, as it may play a major role in protecting infants' brains from autism.

7) Protect your brain from excessive use of mobile phones and other sources of microwaves. Recent studies have found that mobile phone users are two and a half times more prone to brain tumours, and a study back in 2004 found that the risk of acoustic neuroma (a tumour on the auditory nerve) was nearly four times greater on the side of your head where your phone was most frequently held.

But the thing that really excites me is the discovery that we can actually rewire our brains. A whole lot of fringe disciplines that were once on the borders of academic science, like meditation, positive thinking techniques, motivational literature and audio programmes, alternative therapies and hypnosis, are now becoming more widely accepted and adopted.

If we just spend 15 minutes a day visualising our goals we will actually start to bring them into our reality. Imagine what an hour a day would do! We can also listen to motivational audio programmes while commuting to and from work. Each night, just before falling asleep, we can think of the wonderful life we are having and give thanks for it. We can do the same as we get out of bed in the morning, as we wash and dress. At the same time we can think of, and give thanks for, the wonderful things our new thought patterns are attracting into our lives right now. By doing these things we will actually be rewiring our brains for success. By triggering the right patterns in the brain, we will be actually making it happen. This may be gradual at first but with practice and daily repetition, the floodgates will be opened.

Brain Wave Patterns - Twenty-four hours every day, nerve cells in the brain are generating electrical impulses that fluctuate rhythmically in distinct patterns called brain wave patterns. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of these patterns. These patters correlate with our thoughts, our emotions, our state of being, the functioning of the various systems of the body, and, in essence the entire quality of our lives!

There are four categories of brain wave patterns. The most rapid is called a Beta brain wave pattern When measured by a EEG device the brain, in beta, is seen to vibrate at between 13 and 60 Hertz (cycles per second). This is the frequency of normal waking consciousness. Beta is associated with concentration, arousal, alertness, and cognition. At its highest, most rapid levels, though, beta is associated with anxiety, disharmony, and unease.

As we become more relaxed, our brain wave pattern slows down into what is called an Alpha brain wave pattern (7 to 13 Hertz). Alpha patterns vary from deep alpha, a state of deep relaxation often referred to as the twilight state between sleep and waking, to the higher end of alpha which is a more focused yet still very relaxed state. When absorbed in a good book or television programme we are probably in alpha. Alpha is often associated with what is known as 'super-learning'. This is the ability to learn, process, store and recall large amounts of information quickly and efficiently. Not good news if we are in Alpha watching a violent or otherwise unresourseful movie.

Slower still are Theta waves (4 to 7 Hertz). Theta is best known as the brain wave state of dreaming sleep, but it is also associated with a number of other beneficial states, including increased creativity, some kinds of super-learning, increased memory retention and recall, and what are called integrative experiences, in which we make positive changes in the way we see ourselves, life and others. "Ah-ha!" experiences, where people suddenly get a useful insight or a great idea, are accompanied by bursts of theta waves in the brain.

Here's another exciting characteristic of the theta state: Dr. Thomas Budzynski, a noted researcher in this field, has said that critical and often self-sabotaging filters of the left brain are bypassed in a theta state, and that in terms of making positive changes in beliefs or habit patterns, a lot of work gets done very quickly in Theta.

There is an ever deeper state than this, called Delta (0.1 to 4 Hertz). Below 0.1 Hertz death occurs. Delta brain waves are associated with the unconscious mind. It is extremely rare to have conscious awareness during delta activity. Only highly experienced meditators such as gurus, yogis, monks and others who do a lot of trance work, are likely to be able to access this brainwave range while conscious. Indeed, being in delta is like being in a very deep trance. However there are some individuals who have delta brain waves while awake (as shown by EEG recordings). There are always other frequencies present as well. Delta never exists alone while the person is awake.

Three Brains in One - Throughout human evolution, our brains have acquired three components that progressively appeared and became superimposed. The oldest brain is located underneath and to the back, the next one rests on an intermediate position and the most recent is situated on top and to the front. These three brains are:

1) The Archipallium (sometimes called the reptilian) brain accounts for the structures of the brain stem - medulla, pons, cerebellum, mesencephalon, the globus pallidus and the olfactory bulbs. It corresponds to the reptile brain, also called R-complex, by the famous neuroscientist Paul MacLean. It is responsible for our self-preservation. It is here that the mechanisms of aggression and repetitive behaviour are developed.

2) Then we evolved the Paleopallium (sometimes called the old mammalian) brain, comprising the structures of the limbic system. It corresponds to the brain of the (so called) lower orders of mammals. In 1952 Paul MacLean first coined the name limbic system for this middle brain. The old mammalian brain residing in the limbic system is concerned with emotions and instincts, feeding, fighting, fleeing, and sexual behaviour. As MacLean observes, everything in this emotional system is either agreeable or disagreeable. Survival depends on avoidance of pain and repetition of pleasure.

3) Most recently we evolved the Neopallium (sometimes called the new mammalian) brain, which comprises almost the whole of the left and right hemispheres and some subcortical neuronal groups. It corresponds to the brain of the (so called) higher mammals such as the primates including human beings. MacLean refers to the neocortex as the mother of invention and father of abstract thought. In humans the neocortex takes up two thirds of the total brain mass. Although all animals also have a neocortex, it is relatively small, with few or no folds (indicating surface area and complexity and development). The cortex is divided into left and right hemispheres, the famous left and right brain. The left half of the cortex controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain the left side of the body. Also, the right brain is more spatial, abstract, spiritual, musical and artistic, while the left brain is more linear, rational, and verbal.

This evolutionally development is echoed in every individual embryo and foetus as the three cerebral layers appear, one after the other, during its development in the womb. According to Paul MacLean they are like three biological computers which, although interconnected, retain their peculiar types of intelligence, subjectivity, sense of time and space, memory, mobility and other less specific functions.

Meditation: Experiments have indicated that the limbic system shows considerably higher levels of activity in people who meditate regularly. These discoveries suggest that desirable human qualities can be deliberately cultivated through mental training. The study of the influence of mental states on health, which was once considered fanciful, is now an increasing part of the scientific research agenda.

Why should we bother to meditate? Because we all have the potential for positive change but change takes effort. As I said in the last lesson, there is a price to pay for everything. Most people are unwilling to pay that price which is a great pity. We spend years going to school and training in things like geography, sports and mathematics, but for some strange reason we don't think that the same need applies to understanding how to use our brains.

Just 15 minutes of daily meditation practice can contribute significantly to a reduction of anxiety, stress, anger, and depression. Thirty minutes a day over the course of eight weeks results in a considerable strengthening of the immune system and of one's capacity for concentration. It also speeds up the healing of psoriasis and decreases arterial tension in people suffering from hypertension. Meditation helps us improve our focus, makes us happier and greatly reduces the effects of stress in our lives. This is an ancient practice which is fortunately quite easy to learn and apply in our daily lives.

Recent research performed by Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D . a prominent American anti-aging researcher and past-president of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, revealed that meditation dramatically affects production of three important hormones related to increased longevity, stress, and enhanced well-being: Cortisol, DHEA, and Melatonin.

There are many different forms of meditation, many different ways to meditate. The most basic is just to watch your breath as it goes in and out. To perform this exercise, simply find a comfortable place away from any distractions, lie on your bed or sit cross-legged on the floor and allow your hips and shoulders to relax. As you watch your breath rise and fall, allow your mind to rest from the habitual, incessant thinking and internal dialogue that it endures if left unchecked throughout the day.

Focused meditation, as an alternative to the "empty mind" meditation, can be an effective tool to de-stress and also to re-programme the mind for success. If you change your focus to a powerful and positive image, or an affirmation (often called a "mantra" in meditation speak), and envelop yourself in the feelings associated with that powerful positive thought pattern, you will, over time and with daily repetition, change your vision of the world and of your place within it. As Joe Vitale likes to say, life is an out-picturing of our inner pictures. So it follows that by changing our inner pictures we can change our lives.

One useful technique is to think of a childhood memory connected with great joy. For some this could be Yuletide, for others a wonderful grandparent, loved pet, favourite toy, sunny morning playing in the sand, or a thousand other things. Now remember your feelings associated with that memory. Focus on the joy you felt, on the subtle vibration of anticipation in your body over opening a gift, going to the park, or whatever is specific to your memory. Now carry that feeling into your present life and associate it with a positive image you want in your life today. Of course you can do this outside of meditation as well to change your mood.  This is what the DVD The Secret called Secret Shifters.

Before meditating its important to prepare your space. Begin by cleansing the area of dirt and clutter, use crystals, candles, and/or incense to rid the atmosphere of any negative vibrations. Make the place 'feel' nice. Personalise the area by using a blanket, rug or cushion. Some people like to prepare an altar to reflect their personality or religious beliefs. Only do this if it feels right to you. Scents are very effective in creating the correct atmosphere. Frankincense enhances calm, and is conducive to meditation. Bergamot is mood enhancing. Cypress is purifying and aids deep breathing. Jasmine is an antidepressant and Sandalwood is an ancient, traditional meditation scent

While meditating you can either sit or lie down.  Indeed some meditation practices are even done standing. If you intend to sit, sit upright with your spine straight. This allows your body to get the maximum level of oxygen and full exhalation. With the spine upright the chakras are activated and energy can move freely throughout the body. Some people like to rest their hands in their laps, palms up. In this way you can open yourself to circulating energy. Alternatively, if you sit with your palms down, you will experience a greater sense of security and grounding.

If you intend to lie down, try not to drift off to sleep as this is not the aim of meditation. However don't worry too much about it.  If you do drift off you can always start over again when you wake up.

Breathing is an essential tool of meditation.  By paying attention to our breathing, focus is removed from all of the thoughts and feelings running through our minds. When we inhale we are taking in the energy of the universe. Draw the air into the abdomen, focus on the flow of breath through the nostrils, work through this for 3-5 minutes taking note of how the breaths become longer and deeper.

If you like, as you inhale you can choose to be aware of the energy, the chi, ki or prana, whatever you want to call it, flowing down the front of your body from your head to your pelvic area and as you exhale feel it rise up your back, up your spine, back into your head.

Try to wear loose, comfortable clothing, if you must wear any at all. Don't wear clothes that restrict the waist or chest. Take your shoes off otherwise you won't be able to connect to the Earth energy effectively. Keep warm. Practice early in the morning or before going to bed each night. Never meditate immediately after eating as you may feel drowsy or experience discomfort in the abdomen. You can start with as little as just three to 15 minutes a day. As your body and mind become more comfortable with the routine you can extend this to longer periods.  I now often meditate for two hours at a stretch, but then I have been doing this for a lot of years. Try to always meditate in the same place and at the same time. Afterwards, sit silently and attune to the outside world whilst maintaining inner composure and peace. Try to keep an open mind and let whatever happens be okay. Some days will be easier and more rewarding than others.

Forms of Meditation - There are possibly as many forms and variations on forms as there are meditators so this list is not meant to be exhaustive. Hopefully though it will give you some ideas.

Silent meditation: Sitting, just watching your breath, maybe looking at a candle flame or a flower, a mandala, Celtic knot-work, Zen puzzle or other aid to focus the mind while de-focusing the eyes. Meditating with eyes closed also works well.

Sensory meditation: based on Touch, Scent (incense), Taste, or Sound, or maybe walking barefoot in nature.

Active meditation such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, dancing, walking, gardening, calligraphy, baking bread.

SKHM SHENU Meditation: I am treating this separately because it is sometimes practiced as a silent, sitting meditation and sometimes while standing and swaying in the pattern of an infinity symbol. This is a very powerful form of meditation, usually practiced in a group with a facilitator. If there is a group near where you live I highly recommend giving it a go. You may be able to locate a group through an internet search. It may be listed as SKHM Meditation or SHENU Meditation.

Using Brainwave Technology (sometimes called brainwave entrainment) : Brainwave technology is a fascinating field of research with many potential applications. There is no special equipment to buy. With properly designed audio technology, you can dramatically enhance your mind's performance and tap into your infinite potential. Such audio technology can guide you to heightened levels of awareness and help you take your mind to the next level. The audio technology, embedded beneath the soothing natural sound, works to guide you into profoundly deep states of meditation and awareness. Such audio technology will assist you in reaching levels of consciousness as deep and often deeper than those reached by experienced meditators, Zen monks, and Yogis.

How long you spend meditating each day is completely up to you. If you intend to use Brainwave Technology based on bilateral beats it is important that you listen using stereo headphones. However there is a new technology you can use with open speakers that works through your whole body, not just your ears. More on that in a minute.

Brainwave entrainment also promotes brain synchronization. As the brain slows from Beta  to Alpha to Theta to Delta there is a corresponding increase in balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. This more balanced brain state is called brain synchrony, or brain synchronisation. As the brain waves slow and the brain balances, you more and more tap into what scientists call whole-brain thinking, or whole-brain functioning. It's using both sides of the brain at once instead of just using one side at a time as we usually do. It's like thinking in stereo. It gives you a kind of meta-awareness, a new perspective, a view from a higher rock on the mountain. Whole- brain functioning is associated with increased creativity, insight, learning ability, problem solving ability, memory and intuition. There are several companies offering Brainwave Technology products.

As you listen to them your nervous system receives a slightly different audio stimulus in each ear. It is the difference between these two frequencies that affect the part of your brain called the olivary nucleus. For the technically minded, the recordings use a specific type of harmonically layered binaural beats audio technology. This takes you quickly and automatically into a state of very deep meditation. In order to process and handle this stimulus, your brain will create new neural pathways between the left and right sides of the brain, until over time it creates a new structure that can easily handle the stimulus. With regular use of such audio technology, you can gradually teach your mind to achieve these states of consciousness at will, until eventually you no longer need the recordings and are able to effortlessly shift your mind into the desired state.

Simply by listening to one of these audio recordings, through stereo headphones, for less than a half-hour each day, you can:

• Achieve profound states of deep meditation and relaxation
• Significantly reduce stress and anxiety
• mprove your sleep and increase energy and vitality
• Awaken your potential for long-term personal growth
• Dramatically increase your self-awareness
• Take your inspiration and motivation to new levels
• Experience higher levels of consciousness
• Develop your intuition and expand your personal insight
• Reach deep into your subconscious mind for life solutions

Research has shown that this same state of brain synchronisation is consistently found in the brainwave patterns of highly intelligent, creative, and successful individuals. This state of synchronisation is the ultimate goal of many meditators since it allows one to tap into levels of consciousness and mental performance not normally reached in everyday life. While it would take years, possibly decades of training to achieve these positive results through traditional meditation techniques or other personal growth programmes, listening to good quality brainwave technology recordings can lead to similar results much more quickly.

The two most popular systems are probably Hemi-Sync from Monroe Products, and Holosync from The Centerpointe Research Institute. They are both great tools although it must be said they are rather overpriced. There are much cheaper alternatives that are just as good or even better. The one I particularly love is called 15 Minute Manifestation. Just to be clear, I do earn a small commission if you order 15 Minute Manifestation through this link but that's not the main reason I am promoting it.

I use 15 Minute Manifestation myself and I love it. Otherwise I would not be risking my reputation by recommending it to you. It is helping me greatly and I want to see you get the same results that I am getting.

Sorry but this isn't some cool headed product review. The truth is I really love this. I'd been looking for a while, looking for something to promote that I could really get behind, heart and soul, because I really love it, because it really does what it says on the tin. Well 15 Minute Manifestation is that one thing. This really works.

I tried both Holosync and Hemisync but I didn't get much benefit from them. I know other people have but I diddn't. I thought 15 Minute Manifestation would be just more of the same old same old. How wrong I was.

15 Minute Manifestation consists of three audio recordings which you listen to for seven days each, 21 days in total. But you don't have to stop there. I am still listing to these recording whenever I need to cut through the fog and get the clarity back into my life.

The three recordings all carry empowering subliminal massages. The scripts are overlaid with nature sounds and theta wave frequencies between 4-8 Hz. This is where the subconscious mind is most accessable.

A slightly different frequency is heard in each ear and this causes the two hemispheres of your brain to synchronise and work in harmony.

At this level of brain activity a multitude of characteristics can be tapped into and reprogrammed including creativity, problem solving, intuition and even physical healing.

This isn't magic. Using these recordings will lead you to think differently, see more opportunities and make different decisions. It is those different decisions that will change your life.

Beliefs are just thoughts we think about often for a minimum of 21 days. Experiments have shown that it takes the brain 21 days to form new neural pathways. Miss just one day and you have to start over again from the beginning. This is why you must use the recordings every day, for at least 21 days.

I noticed changes in my life in the first few days of using this. I was feeling more positive and seeing opportunities I had not noticed before. Those opportunities had been there all along of course, I just hadn't noticed them before.

Then weird things started to happen. Ideas would just pop into my head and Internet searches would take me to new, unexpected places. I had read about this in The Secret but had never experienced it before.

Now I'm not promising that this will make you a millionaire in 21 days. Perhaps you don't even want to be a millionaire, but whatever you do want it will be a heck of a lot easier to manifest when you have all your mental ducks in a row. And I do promise you that 15 Minute Manifestation will help you to get your ducks in a row. In fact you will be blown away by the amount of mental clarity you will get by using these recordings as instructed for 21 days.

As you may have guessed by now, I am really excited about 15 Minute Manifestation ! I want you to benefit from it too. I want the whole world to benefit from this.

There is a full year money back guarantee so you can try 15 Minute Manifestation entirely risk free.

Want to get your mental ducks in a row? Then CLICK HERE to watch the full introductory video and get started today. I'm so glad I did.

Of course you don't have to buy any products or spend any money in order to meditate. The important thing is that you do start to meditate if you are not doing so already.

Please do share your tips with our community. Feel free to ask any questions too.

Creative Visualisation Workbook by Shakti Gawain
This is the classic work on the subject of creative visualisation.

Meditations: Creative Visualisation and Meditation Exercises to Enrich Your Life
by Shakti Gawain

How to Meditate: Combat Stress and Harness the Power of Positive Thought by
Paul Roland

Chakra Meditation by Swami Saradananda

Qi Gong for Healing and Relaxation:
Simple Techniques for Feeling Stronger, Healthier and More Relaxed by
Michael Tse

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Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis

The time has come to unlock the natural ability within you.


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