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In 1998 Dr. Norma Milanovich
and Dr. Shirley McCune published a fascinating
book called
The Light Shall Set You Free. In it they
stated that there are 12 Universal Laws, and 21
sub-laws, that describe ways in which cause and
effect are related. These ideas are not new,
many ancient texts list them, often condensing
them into just seven
laws or guidelines for ways of thinking and
acting that will enhance our physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual growth. Success happens
according to universal laws. It has nothing to
do with luck!
These laws are all
inter-related and are founded on the
understanding that everything in the universe is
energy, including us, and that energy moves in a
circular fashion. At the microscopic level, we
are a whirling mass of sub-atomic particles
spinning rapidly. At an even smaller level, the
Plank Scale, we see that these sub-atomic
particles are really just energy. In fact,
everything in the world is comprised of just
energy and we are intimately connected with this
sea of whirling energy. We are it and it
is us.
The great thing is, because our
thoughts, feelings, words and actions create the
world around us, we have the power to create a
world of peace, harmony and abundance. In order
to do this, it is essential that we learn to
control our thoughts and emotions. Understanding
the Universal Laws helps us to do this.
Here are the twelve laws as set out by
Milanovich and McCune.
1) The Law of Divine Oneness
helps us to understand that we live in a world
where everything is connected to everything
else. Everything we do, say, think and believe
affects others and the universe around us.
2) The Law of Vibration
states that everything in the Universe moves,
vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The
same principles of vibration in the physical
world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires,
and wills in the etheric world. Each sound,
thing, and even thought has its own vibrational
frequency, unique unto itself. Everything from a
thought to an object is in a constant state of
vibration. Everything vibrates - nothing rests.
When we look inside a molecule wel find atoms,
and when we look inside atoms we find sub-atomic
particles, and when we look inside sub-atomic
particles we discover that there really is no
matter there at all. Everything in the
universe is energy.
This energy vibrates at different frequencies
(varying rates of vibration) to form different
things in our awareness. Thought is the most
potent form of energy and thoughts are things.
Conscious awareness of vibration is called
feeling. Our thoughts control our paradigms
and our vibration and we attract what we are
vibrating in tune with. Positive vibrations
attract positive experiences, negative
vibrations attract negative experiences. When
you are not feeling good, become aware of what
you are thinking, then think of something
pleasant and change your vibration.
3) The Law of Action
must be applied in order for us to manifest
things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in
actions that support our thoughts, dreams,
emotions and words.
4) The Law of Correspondence
states that the principles or laws of physics
that explain the physical world - energy, Light,
vibration, and motion - have their corresponding
principles in the etheric or universe. As
above, so below.
5) The Law of Cause and
Effect (karma) states that nothing happens
by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every
action has a reaction or consequence and we
reap what we have sown. Every effect
must have a cause and every cause an effect.
Whatever you send out into the Universe comes
back to you. Action and re-action are equal and
opposite. Nothing happens by chance, everything
happens according to law. Therefore anything you
may cause is the effect of something that
you did before. What you sow, you will reap. Say
good things to everyone and treat everyone with
total love and respect and it will come back to
you. Never worry about what you are going to
get, just concentrate on what you can give now.
6) The Law of Compensation
is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to the
blessings and abundance that are provided for
us. The visible effects of our deeds are given
to us in gifts, money, inheritances,
friendships, and blessings.
7) The Law of Attraction
demonstrates how we draw things, events, and
people into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings,
words, and actions produce energies which, in
turn, attract like energies. Negative energies
attract negative energies and positive energies
attract positive energies.
8) The Law of Perpetual
Transmutation of Energy states that all
persons have within them the power to change the
conditions in their lives. Energy is forever
moving into form, through form and back into
form. This law says that change is all there is.
Everything is constantly changing. The results
that most often materialise in our lives are the
images we hold in our minds. Higher vibrations
consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of
us can change the energies in our lives by
understanding the Universal Laws and applying
the principles in such a way as to effect
9) The Law of Relativity
states that everything in life exists by
comparison. Hot only exists because we compare
it to cold, just as good only exists by
comparison to bad and so on. Nothing is good or
bad, big or small, until we relate it to
something else. Everything just is unless
and until we compare it to something. Nothing in
life has any meaning, except the meaning we
choose to give to it. Each person will receive a
series of challenges or tests for the purpose of
strengthening the Light within. We must consider
each of these tests to be a challenge and remain
connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve
the problems. This law also teaches us to
compare our problems to others' problems and put
everything into its proper perspective. No
matter how bad we perceive our situation to be,
there is always someone who is in a worse
position. It is all relative. Practice relating
your situation to something much worse and yours
will always look good.
10) The Law of Polarity
states that everything is on a continuum and has
an opposite. Everything must have an opposite,
it could not exist otherwise: Hot and cold, up
and down, good and bad are all opposites.
Therefore, positive or negative cannot exist in
isolation. Failure must be accompanied by the
seeds of success; low potential is always
accompanied by high potential etc. Always look
for the good in people and situations. When you
find it, tell the person. People love
compliments and the positive idea in your mind
makes you feel good. Good idea equals Good
vibration! We can transform undesirable thoughts
by concentrating on their opposites.
11) The Law of Rhythm
states that everything vibrates and moves to
certain rhythms, the dance of the Universe.
These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages
of development, and patterns. Each cycle
reflects the regularity of the Universe.
Something must advance when anything retreats.
Tides ebb and flow, night follows day, good
times always follow bad times. We all have highs
and lows intellectually, emotionally and
physically, but through understanding we can be
at our best regardless. A sense of rhythm gives
us our gut feelings, so go with it as it is
probably right. When you are on a down swing,
don't feel bad about it, just know that the
wheel of fortune is always turning and the good
times are coming again. Masters know how to rise
above negative parts of a cycle by not taking
themselves too seriously. They just watch the
dance and wait for the tide to turn.
12) The Law of Gender
states that everything in the Universe has its
masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles,
and that these are the basis for all creation.
Nothing is every created or destroyed. All new
things are just the results of something that
changed which already existed. This law governs
creation. It says that for anything to manifest
it must have an incubation or gestation period
(like a baby takes nine months, trees and
flowers have their own gestation periods).
For creation to take place the
male and female principle must unite in perfect
balance. In order to reap you
must first sow. Ideas are spiritual seeds and
will move into form and produce physical results.
goals will manifest when the time is right.
Everything you want in your life has a gestation
period. Don't give up too early! Wait for the
gestation period to bring it into form. The spiritual initiate must balance the
masculine and feminine energies within himself
or herself to become a Master and true
co-creator with God and Goddess, the Universe or
whatever we like to call the Source.
In the original 1912 writing of
The Science Of Getting Rich Wallace Wattles
did not list these laws. He assumed that the
reader was already aware of them. It is
important that you understand them now.