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Steve Kirsch’s presentation to
the British Parliament Dec. 4th 2023

Please note: due to censorship, no official recording or transcripts were made available. We have made this transcript as well as we could from mobile phone recordings that were not always very clear.

Steve Kirsch – American entrepreneur, and tech millionaire. After founding a company to research alternative covid drugs, and campaigning for vaccine transparency, the establishment turned against him.

He (Barry Young, the imprisoned New Zealand whistleblower) was looking in the database just to see, to make sure, that everything's okay. And what he found was troubling to him. And so he decided to make the data public, so he dropped the data to me.

I anonymized it so we wouldn't be violating anyone's privacy, including the privacy of people who died. And I released that to the world.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health had my server taken down so that people couldn't access the data. Even though they knew it was anonymized, they decided to contact my hosting provider and have the data taken down. Now Barry gave us the data that we needed to expose the corruption and the fraud, and Barry proved, through our help, that there was no reason that this data needed to be hidden from public view.

He proved that you can anonymize the data and even the New Zealand Ministry of Health, who has the original data, could not find any records that match, but we have the statistical fidelity so that anyone can analyse the data and know exactly what happened.

So next slide. This is Barry Young today. He has been arrested. He is now in prison, and his bail was denied. This is what happens to people who tell the truth and to try to expose the fact that thousands of people in New Zealand were killed by this vaccine. There is no doubt about it.

Next slide. Now the New Zealand government is sending a clear message to people, and to any future leaders, anyone who tries to expose the truth, that they will go after you because there shall not be any transparency of public health data, of public health. The public is not entitled to know that these vaccines are killing them, in New Zealand, apparently.

Now there was one big problem.

Next slide. Which is, thanks to, Barry who may spend the rest of his life in prison, thanks to Barry, the genie is now out of the bottle. This is the first time in history that record level data from a country has been exposed to the public. The first time in history every single country in the world is hiding this data from public view. Every state in the United States is hiding this data from public view. Nobody wants the data exposed.

This is basically the first time in history that we can now analyse this data. And the data analysis technique is well known. It's the same one used by the UK ONS. It's called the time series cohort analysis. And there's only one way to analyse the data. And there is only one conclusion you can make from analysing that data. And that is that the vaccines are killing people. So it is now time for people to decide which side of history they want to be on. Because there is now no more doubt thanks to this man's sacrifices.

Next slide. I have a message to the Wellington Police Department. They're probably not listening to this broadcast. I tried to contact them. But the line rang and rang and I was put on hold forever and finally gave up. But the message to the Wellington Police Department is that you've got the wrong guy. You should have be arresting the New Zealand Ministry of Health chief executive, Margie Apa, and her leadership team, for criminal negligence. She's still a large and she's causing irreparable harm. And the guy who's the hero is in jail.

Next slide. Let me show you what this New Zealand Ministry of Health record level data shows, because no one's been able to see this before. The UK ONS doesn't expose this data because they choose these buckets that are way too large to show this curve. This curve is done with week long buckets, and UK ONS uses six month long buckets. So when you look at the long bucket, you can see what happens to mortality. It goes up and up and up and up and up for six months. And then it starts falling and it falls back, it looks like it's going under baseline but that's because of the pull forward effect which I don't have time to get back to now.

Andrew Bridgen asks: “six months after vaccination?”

Yes it goes up for six months and then it goes down, but there's a lot of excess deaths which means that there has to be a tendency to go back to the average. So you're seeing, what you're seeing here, a safe vaccine is a straight line folks. For mortality, it shouldn't impact mortality. It should be like getting a second shot. What you're seeing here is massive that you're seeing one, effectively one death per thousand doses in excess.

Now that may not sound like a lot, but it is. I'll get to the numbers in just a second. Let's talk about Mr. where are the numbers? Norman Fenton is here. Norman, do you want….?

He said and I quote “The New Zealand data confirms what we saw in the most recent polling of data and as you know the ONS isn't publishing their data anymore because it's so bad. They don't want to dig themselves deeper in a hole”

Norman said “there is now no doubt the vaccine is increasing the mortality rate in older people”.

Now it's also increasing the mortality rate in younger people. We just don't have enough data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health to be able to show that conclusively to people.

Next slide. So, what are we looking at? We're looking at killing 13 million people worldwide. Collectively, the world's governments have worked together to kill 13 million people worldwide. That means 675,000 Americans, almost a million Americans have been killed by the United States government. In the UK, the numbers are probably between 100,000 and 150,000 people in the UK have been killed by their government.

Next slide. My final message to all the world's governments: “release the COVID shot record level data now”.

This should be released in all countries of the world who vaccinate people. Why are you, if the vaccine is safe and effective, why are you keeping this information secret?

We now know why, Thanks to our whistleblower, we now know why you're keeping it secret, because you don't know, you don't want your population to know that you have been killing them.

But we want to see, we want to see the truth. And if you refuse, any government that refuses to release the record level data is corrupt. There's no two ways about it. You refuse to release it. You can't use “oh we're protecting people's privacy. We have to protect the privacy of dead people. We have to make sure that we don't put the finger on who killed all those dead people. We need to protect the killer”.

That argument doesn't work anymore because there was no privacy breach here. Even the New Zealand Ministry of Health acknowledged that the obfuscation we did, which preserved all this statistical fidelity here, they were unable to find anyone's data, which means we protected their privacy, but we expose the truth.

Next slide. To the UK medical community and the medical community worldwide, you took an oath to do no harm. Why don't you want to see the record level data? The data is out there for everyone to see now. And there's only one way to analyse that data. And you know, it's really hard to get them to look at that data, to see the truth because nobody wants to look at the data for some reason.

You need to stop recommending the shots or you should face criminal prosecution. Or you can perhaps admit that you are too inept to interpret this data, and where is it in the peer reviewed literature that says that if you withhold the record level data, if you withhold public health data, that leads to better health outcomes? I've looked in the peer reviewed literature there is nothing that says keeping public health data secret leads to better health outcomes. So why are we doing it, and why are we allowing them to do it?

Who in the medical community is demanding the release of the record level data? Have you heard any public health official, demanding release the record level data? Have you heard of Pfizer or Moderna demanding release of the record level data so they can prove that their vaccines are safe?

Of course not! Because they know I offered $10 million to MIT professor Robert Langer. He's on the board of Moderna, and he's the co founder of Moderna, and I challenged him to come and I would, I would donate $10 million to MIT if he showed up or if he sent someone in his place to answer what the data showed.

He didn’t even give me the courtesy of a response. What does that tell you? They don't want to see the data. Because if they saw the data, they would have to pull the product from the market or they would be liable for criminal prosecution. That is why when you take the data and show them, hey, here's the data, they run and hide, they try to find the nearest rock and hide under it, because they are afraid that if they will see, have to see the data, and if they see the data, it will all be over. That's why they run and hide. Why aren't they calling for proper autopsies using the proper techniques?

Next slide. I wrote this slide before I realised that there were 12 MPs in the room. This was not applied to the MPs here in the, and thank you for being here. It's just that I've seen too many YouTube videos where as soon as Andrew speaks everyone in Parliament leaves the room.

So where is your enquiry? You have the data now that proves you killed your citizens. Where is the enquiry? How are you going to hold yourselves accountable? Who is going to be held accountable for this? And when?

Next slide. To the UK ONS, my friends at the ONS, let's have a public recorded chat about your record level data. And let's compare it with the New Zealand record level data. Why can't we have a public discussion about it? Why is the UK ONS hiding the data? Why shouldn't they be charged with criminal negligence? I contacted the ONS and I said “why can't you release the data?” and they said “well, because of everyone’s privacy, we can’t do that”. And I said “there's a way that you can do that without violating privacy needs. New Zealand data privacy. Nobody complained. (all this is very garbled. Perhaps you have sharper ears than me.) And then they stopped talking to me. Really! Is that how it works?

Next slide. Let’s about Sarah Caul. Do you remember the scene from A Clockwork Orange? Stanley Kubrick's film? I can't you know it's one of those films you see, you know, it was 1970s and still remember to this day.

So Sarah. I contacted Sarah through email. I left phone messages and messages on her Twitter account. I contacted the normal email address at the ONS and there was no response. She doesn't want to see or talk about the data, and my question is on file. Is this the only way we will ever get Sarah Caul to look at the data? Do we have to resort to this is this? Is this what it’s going to take for her to look at her own data? Do we have to do this?

Next slide. Stanford professor Grace Lee. She's the head of the ACIP committee which is the committee on the CDC which approved these vaccines, and when that happens, everyone in the world says “oh! if the CDC approved it must be safe.”

So Professor Lee is kind of a last stomping ground before something gets approved. When I tried to show her the data from the Israeli Ministry of Health, she called the cops on me. She should resign, immediately.

Any scientist that runs away from data showing that a product is killing someone should resign.

Next slide. Professor Paul Offit. I reached out to Paul through an intermediary. He's one of the vaccine experts relied on by the FDA for approving vaccines. He needs to explain to the world why, when I offered to show him the New Zealand record level data, and like everybody else he refused to see it. These people do not want to see the truth.

Next slide. To the BBC, my friends in the BBC. They should rename themselves the British Pharmaceutical Propaganda Corporation.

When are we going to start reporting on both sides of these issues, instead of one side? Where is their investigation into this New Zealand record level data? You know how many calls I got from the press, asking to see the record level data? Zero. Not even the Epoch Times would call me back. Where is the news segment on the BBC? Where Professor Norman Fenton, who is the world's expert on risk management and vaccines, talks to the pharma-stooge, and they have a discussion. When do you see that on the BBC. I tune in for that.

Next slide. So to the people in the UK, your government is corrupt, You need to demand that they release the UK record level data to the world so the world can see and know the truth. We have to demand data transparency now, the genie is out of the bottle.

My last slide. To the public, stop taking all vaccines until your government is transparent and releases the record level data for that vaccine that proves or disproves whether the vaccine is safe and effective. And you will find that, out the every vaccine I have seen the record level data on, is unsafe.

People who are interested, follow me on Substack and X.

I have a presentation I just did at the Kershaw Victorian, named in my honour at MIT, it’s a two hour presentation. It's quite enlightening.

And finally, don't vote for anyone who isn't demanding data transparency, and who isn't holding the perpetrators accountable for what they did. We have to demand data transparency now. It's a message that you've heard from all my colleagues here. Data transparency is key. There is no excuse for not making this data public just like I did with the New Zealand data. Thank you very much.

War on Ivermectin:
The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic
Pierre Kory, Jenna McCarthy, et al.

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