Dr. Ryan Cole  quotes

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Dr. Ryan Cole’s presentation to
the British Parliament Dec. 4th 2023

Please note: due to censorship, no official recording or transcripts were made available. We have made this transcript as well as we could from mobile phone recordings that were not always very clear.

This is a partial transcript and was particularly difficult to make out.

It clearly states on their safety data sheets, these are not for human and not for veterinary use. These are for research purposes only, yet they went into 5 billion people around the world.

Next (slide) please. As Dr. Malone mentioned, this synthetic RNA persists. Out of Stanford, Dr. Rolfin? said, at least two months later, the RNA was still present, the synthetic RNA.

Next please, Dr. Broman? out of Italy?, recently proved that the synthetic spike protein at least six months later, was still circulating in human beings.

Next please. The spike protein is the Swiss army knife of harm.

Next please. Next please. This is from Dr. Maurice out of Germany, accumulating in the brain, spike protein, after injection.

Next please. From Dr. Burkhardt, the late great Dr. Burkhardt. This is in the brain tissue. Anybody here know of brain fog? This is the spike protein where it does not belong, crossing the blood brain barrier after vaccination.

Next please. Peripheral nerves. This is from my lab report. We proved in the peripheral nerves, that burning after the shot, where it homes in to the myelin, where it shouldn’t go.

Next please. Organ damage, and I don't mean the church organ.

Next please. Does it accumulate in the liver? Absolutely, causes damage within hours,

Next please. More, hepatitis in the liver after these injections.

Next please. Autoimmune disease is rampant in studies around the world.

Next please. We knew in 2005 that SARS-Covid-1, if we used that old spike protein, we would induce harmful immune inflammatory responses. This has been known in science for decades.

Next please. Of course we hear about myocarditis, this is inflammation in the heart.

Next please. This is spike protein in the heart. On the right, that is persistent mRNA in the heart tissues.

Next please. Dr. Nagahara out of Japan proved that six months later, every patient in that study that had the vaccine, versus gotten vaccinated, still had abnormal findings on PET scans, abnormal uptake in the heart tissue, six months after the previous injection.

Next please. Next please, it also accumulates in your very important renal glands.

Next please. It also attacks the elastic fibres of the body. That's what holds your tissues together. This is in the skin, destroying the elastic fibres of the skin.

Next please. Reproductive harms as Dr. Melone mentioned.

Next please. This is a spike protein in the placenta where it does not belong after vaccination.

Next, please. This is spike protein, all those brown dots in the uterine lining.

Next please. This is spike protein in the testes. Studies out of Israel show decreased sperm counts, and decreased sperm motility. These are all things everybody should have known before one shot went into one human. That would have been informed consent.

Next please. Because of the activity of this spike protein, and mRNA, and this gene sequence, it changes the ability of our body to react to other infections.

Next please. Dr. Boxtel? out of the Netherlands has shown how it messes up that critically important T cell immune response. It alters our innate immune system, weakening our ability to react to other pathogens.

Next please. The plot thickens. Let's see how the plot thickens.

Next please. It certainly causes small vessel damage.

Next. As you can see the brown dots here, that's spike protein, lining the vessel to the bottom. Wherever that lipid went, those cells can make this toxic protein, blows those vessels apart.

Next please. It also destroys large vessels.

Next please. This is the aorta of an individual that passed. This is from Dr. Burkhardt’s series. I have ??????. That spike protein gets into a wall that destroys those vessels which cause sudden death.

Next please. And here you see the spike spike protein in the walls of those large vessels.

Next please. You can also see in the coronary vessels. Why do we have an increase in coronary events in coronary disease now, after the rollout of the shots, statistically around the world? Ask yourself that.

Next please. It also causes an abnormal type of protein to accumulate in the blood, an amyloid protein.

Next please. Here we see postmortum clots that are unusual. This is that kind of protein.

Next please. We also see it in the living. This individual was lucky enough to be alive after a thrombectomy and Have clots taken out. ???

Next please. It blinds the immune system, and as Dr. Daigliesh said, so we can recognise future variants.

Next please. It also causes tolerance. You do not want to tolerate a pathogen.

Next, next. If you increase your Igg4, then you suppress your immune system. Then you're tolerant of future variants of whatever pathogen ??? Going forward, why do those patients continue to get more infections? Because they have the wrong type of antibodies. We've heard antibodies for years now. Antibodies, antibodies, there are good ones and bad ones. These are bad ones. And it also decreases your tumour surveillance.

Next please. I'm a beekeeper. I want to be tolerant to allergens. I don't want to be tolerant pathogens.

Next. Next. All right, monster in the room, cancer.

War on Ivermectin:
The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic
Ryan Cole

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