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Dr. David Martin’s presentation to
the British Parliament Dec. 4th 2023

Please note: due to censorship, no official recording or transcripts were made available. We have made this transcript as well as we could from mobile phone recordings that were not always very clear.

As there's limited time I'll see if I can cut it even shorter than my address to the European Union parliament, that gave me half the time than I was supposed to have.

First of all, thank you, Andrew, thank you members of parliament, and thank you all for being here today. My job is a very simple one. It is to set the stage for context of how this came about. And I thought that it was only appropriate to use the Treason Act of 1351 here in the UK, as the grounds for starting this conversation, because we have long lost the idea of what it means to have public accountability.

As such it would be appropriate to make sure that we recall that back then, sleeping with the Queen Consort was problem, doing these various things with the crown were a problem, but somehow or another since 1351, we've lost the idea that a full on assault on liberty at every level is somehow acceptable. So I thought that we could at least start with the spirit of 1351 in the room as we move to the next slide. My job here is not to convince you of a thing. My job here is to merely present the context that says that there is no question, that the entirety of what we've been through over the last four years, has been merely an orchestration to assault the liberties of people here in this country and around the world.

Pretending that this is some sort of public health emergency, pretending this as a justification for the inconceivable threat to liberties and the violation of human rights, is actually nothing more than to give lip service to tyrants.

And the fact of the matter is the evidence starts here in the UK in 1966. Your own Wellcome Trust was the one who decided to fund the Coronavirus as the preferred form of human manipulation in 1966. It was one year later that the United States and the UK got into an agreement that said that we were going to modify and manipulate Coronavirus to see what can be done to impact quote, “a healthy population” end quote.

That was 1967, the year of my birth. So this slow moving train wreck that we call Operation Warp Speed only took 56 short short years to come into being, and in 2011, in the document that is imaged on the left, which unfortunately given the size of the screen is pretty much illegible, but you can go find it, an anti-trust collusion, and I'm using that term quite literally, between the Wellcome Trust, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and NIAID and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, got together and established a mandate that says that by 2020, the world would accept and I quote, “a universal vaccine” end quote, by the end of 2020.

Now these folks apparently have a divining rod or some sort of mysterious bubble that they can look into, to see the future with such absolute elegance, they actually identified back then the Coronavirus might be the thing that would be just what nature needed in order for that to happen. And by 2015 we have the public statement, and I need to read this into the record, “to sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public's understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine”.

Let me pause for a moment. When this statement was made the World Health Organisation officially declared coronavirus, an eradicated disease. In what world do we need a vaccine for disease the World Health Organisation, in its own infinite wisdom, has declared eradicated?

Question, just sit on that for a moment. Let's go on. “A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process”. Does that sound like a public health emergency to you? Or does that sound like a statement of treason? That is an act of domestic and international terrorism and that is the admission of that act.

And just in a few short days we will have the author of that statement, one Peter Daszak, testifying in Congress, that this thing probably still came out of a random event that took place in Wuhan, China, where a bat and a pangolin got together and wolar! (not sure that how you spell it) in the summer, we were there.

That's a quote from 2015 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, that's the conspiracy level language I'm using. And by the way, I'm using the term ‘conspiracy’ in the legal definition of the term. This is the admission of conspiracy to commit acts of terror. And one year later, the last image you see on this screen, one year later, was the announcement and I'm quoting that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, virus one, was, and I quote “poised for human emergence”, end quote. That was 2016. That's the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. That's the conspiracy that I’m apparently representing.

Next slide. Now the evidence for all of you who doubt the merits of the argument that I'm making, is right in front of you. In 2002, the upper left, you see the first patent in 2002, filed on the synthetic chimera coronavirus, which, as I've said in many instances, was actually patented to be infectious and replicable.

What that means is it was actually weaponized. That's not an allegation that's a statement of fact, because in 2005, you see at the bottom of the curriculum vitae of one Ralph S. Baric, line 57 I believe that is of his bio says “synthetic coronaviruses bio hacking, biological warfare enabling technologies”. Does anyone actually want to just muse for a moment what he could have potentially meant, when he said biological warfare enabling technology. Does that sound like a public health response? Does that sound like a P3 programme, we're trying to figure out how to treat this thing? Is that what it sounds like?

Or is there an outside chance that the reason why he unleashed $10 million that year and every other year in non competitive grants from all of the above referenced agencies, is there any chance that reason why is because they were actually building, are you ready for this, biological weapons?

Now, I happen to have the credential in the United States since 2002, of being a biological weapons inspector. I know of what I speak and the fact of the matter is, I briefed this matter first in 2002, and I’ve consistently brief this ever since.

And when in 2019, September 18th 2019, we actually had the World Health Organization's Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, announced that there was going to be, in the time between September 19th 2019, and September of 2020, there was going to be, are you ready for this? an accidental or intentional release of respiratory pathogen. There's an operative word in that statement that’s quite alarming isn't there? ‘Release’. That's not a leak. That’s not an accidental escape. They used the word ‘release’. They didn't use ‘there might be accident’.

Let's go to the next slide. I'm going to have to jump past this gentleman because I'm almost out of time. I said I would stick to nine minutes, so I'm going to jump past this. Unfortunately, I've only referenced this by saying that the criminal conspiracy which must be criminally prosecuted in this country, not alleged but prosecuted, is the racketeering that has been in the World Health Organization's collusion, since the MRC in this country was founded by the Wellcome Trust and in the United States, the Rockefeller Foundation functionally funded what we now call the CDC, which back then was the Malaria Prevention Programme.

But we must actually deal with the fact that this anti-trust collusion, actually did not start in the last few years. It started in 1955. And why is this important? It's important because under the UN Charter that established the World Health Organisation, we cannot commit, we cannot even indict or investigate crimes committed by the World Health Organisation, but there is no statute of limitations on these crimes. These are crimes that have no statute of limitations, and we can actually predate the Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Rockefeller Foundation's criminal illusion with prosecuting the crimes when they were actually committed. It was fraud then, it's fraud now, resulting in the murder of civilization around the world.

Last slide. Almost last slide.

I can't help but sit in this chamber and point out that none other than Eliza Manningham, who was the head of the Wellcome Trust Board of Trustees, who happened at the same time, I'd be the head of MI5, was the one who sat at the helm of COVID when the September 19th launch of this campaign began.

You cannot escape the fact that MI5 was directly involved In the premeditation and distribution of this particular campaign of terror. And I know that as an American it’s probably a bad idea for me to say that in this audience, I couldn’t care less.

The fact of the matter is criminals exist in every strata of this government, and we need to actually be able to point that out. And I figured why not go ahead and put the poster right up there so everybody can see it. I'm only 90 seconds away from my last bit.

Last slide. This is the last slide. Many people ask me why. And let's stop pretending that we have to ask a question of why, that's a nonsense question. In 1980s, we conveniently had the HIV pandemic so that we could actually justify the National Childhood Vaccine Immunity Shield that was granted to the injection manufacturers at the time, because the fact of the matter was that the public was willing to go along with it because they all knew AIDS was coming for them.

We tried to get that immunity long before but once we had the HIV scare, we could get the public to say yep, immunity for manufacturers, because we know we're going to need it.

September of 2001. We all pretend that we know what happened with the towers on the 11th but we all forget what happened on the 28th, which is when the defence department from their bioweapons programme released anthrax, and four short years later, we had the Prep Act. Why? Because in 1991, we were killing people with anthrax vaccines in the Gulf, and we needed to come up with a way to get the adult provisions protection into adult injections because the Childhood Act didn't give them the cover that they needed.

And so four short years later, we have the Prep Act, which gives us medical countermeasures, and it gives us corporate immunity.

So guess what, SARS is nothing more than a four year later, see a pattern? preamble to the World Health Organization's IHR.

Don't pretend like you don’t know. This was a setup from the beginning to the end that, ladies and gentlemen, ideally I’ve balanced everybody else, but I think since you brought up the lovely Winston Churchill, I should go ahead and take that quote “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

This is all a marketing cover story to deprive you of liberty, and I'm here to make sure that as long as I draw breath, I'm fighting to get it back. Thank you very much.

― Dr. David E. Martin

The Origin of the Virus:
The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people
Paolo Barnard , Steven Quay and Professor Angus Dalgliesh

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